Mitre 10杯

Mitre 10杯


Mitre 10 is a New Zealand chain of home improvement stores established in June 1974. The company sells a range of household hardware, building supplies, heaters, air conditioners, garden products, barbeques and camping gear.

There are 84 Mitre 10 member stores around New Zealand, including 19 in Auckland. Together, the members employ more than 8000 staff.


Mitre 10 was started in Melbourne, Australia in 1959 as a local co-operative, with the initial 8 independent operators pooling their resources for shared advertising and promotion. Separate state-based companies were formed in the years following. An overall licensing company was established in 1964.

The co-operative concept became known to New Zealand hardware shop owners, and on 28 June 1974 the New Zealand Herald reported "some of the smaller firms in the timber and hardware merchandising field are grouping together to present a unified buying and selling front." The first member's meeting in 1974 consisted of twelve members representing fifteen stores.[]

In the late 1980s the chain expanded its to include home and garden products. In 1994 the "Mitre 10 Home and Trade" brand was established. Two brand names (Hammer Hardware, Mitre 10 Mega) further expanded the Mitre 10 presence in both the small and large towns and cities. There were 50 Mitre 10 stores in 1999, 113 in 2003 and 83 in 2019.

In 2010 Mitre 10 (New Zealand) Limited took full ownership of the Mitre 10 brands for New Zealand after changes to the ownership of the Mitre 10 operation in Australia. Despite sharing the same heritage, the modern operations in New Zealand and Australia are separate.

"Mitre 10杯"是新西兰橄榄球联盟举办的一项橄榄球联赛。该比赛是新西兰最高水平的橄榄球联赛之一,吸引了来自全国各地的顶级球队参与。比赛的名称"Mitre 10杯"源自该联赛的赞助商Mitre 10,该公司是新西兰最大的建材和家居用品零售商之一。

"Mitre 10杯"比赛通常在每年的夏季和秋季期间进行,持续数个月。参赛球队由新西兰各地的省级橄榄球队组成,包括北岛和南岛的球队。比赛采用循环赛制,每支球队都会与其他球队进行主客场比赛。最终,排名前四的球队将晋级到季后赛,争夺总冠军的荣誉。

"Mitre 10杯"比赛以其激烈的竞争和高水平的橄榄球技术而闻名。球队之间的对抗充满了激情和紧张感,球员们展现出顶级的身体素质和技巧。观众们可以在比赛中欣赏到精彩的进攻和防守战术,以及令人惊叹的个人表现。


总之,"Mitre 10杯"是新西兰一项备受瞩目的橄榄球联赛,为球迷们带来了无尽的激情和精彩的比赛。无论是球队的竞争力还是球员的表现,这项比赛都展现了新西兰橄榄球的顶级水平。