Canada League1 Ontario 06/08 23:30 - North Toronto Nitros v 奥克维尔 蓝色恶魔 D 1-1
Canada League1 Ontario 05/25 23:30 - North Toronto Nitros v Sigma FC W 4-1
Canada League1 Ontario 08/17 01:00 - North Toronto Nitros v Simcoe County Rovers FC L 1-2
Canada League1 Ontario 07/30 00:00 - North Toronto Nitros v Scrosoppi FC L 1-2
Canada League1 Ontario 05/07 00:00 - North Toronto Nitros v FC London W 2-1

Wikipedia - North Toronto Nitros

North Toronto Nitros is a Canadian semi-professional soccer club based in Toronto, Ontario. The club was founded in 1980 as a youth soccer club and added its men's semi-professional club in League1 Ontario in 2016 and its women's team in the League1 Ontario women's division in 2021.


The club was founded in 1980 as a youth soccer club. They updated the club logo in 2019, combining the club logo and Nitros team logo.

Club and team logo until 2019

Originally a youth soccer club, the team added a men's semi-professional team in League1 Ontario in 2016, playing their home games at the University of Toronto's Varsity Stadium. They played their inaugural match on April 30, 2016, on the road against Vaughan Azzurri, which they lost by a score of 2–1. They defeated Aurora United by a score of 5–0 in their home debut.

In 2018, the club departed the league, going on hiatus. Two years later, they were set to return to the league for the 2020 season and also added a women's team to the League1 Ontario women's division for the first time, providing a full senior high-performance pathway for players based in downtown Toronto, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season was cancelled, delaying their return (and the women's team's debut) to 2021. They moved their home field to the Downsview Park turf fields.

在加拿大安大略省的北部,有一个名叫North Toronto Nitros的足球队伍,以其独特的社区精神和高效的比赛策略而闻名。这支队伍的历史可以追溯到2018年,虽然年轻,但他们凭借其卓越的实力迅速在加拿大足球联赛中崭露头角。

North Toronto Nitros位于加拿大的安大略省,是一个由社区支持组建的队伍。他们的主场设在多伦多,这是一个充满活力和创新的城市,也是加拿大足球协会的总部所在地。这支队伍的成员大多数是来自各行各业的年轻人,他们因为对足球的热爱而聚集在一起,共同追求他们的足球梦想。

在比赛中,North Toronto Nitros以其独特的战术风格而著称。他们的教练团队是由一些经验丰富的职业足球运动员组成的,他们深知如何利用每个球员的优势,将个人能力转化为团队战斗力。他们的比赛风格富有激情,充满活力,总能给观众带来视觉和精神的双重享受。

在社区中,North Toronto Nitros也扮演着重要的角色。他们积极参与各种社区活动,如慈善赛、社区足球活动等,以此回馈社区,增强社区的凝聚力。他们还与当地学校合作,定期进行足球培训,帮助培养新一代的足球人才。

North Toronto Nitros在加拿大足球联赛中表现出色,多次获得冠军和季军的优异成绩。他们的成功不仅在于他们在球场上的表现,更在于他们对社区的贡献和对足球运动的推广。这支队伍已经成为一个象征,象征着加拿大足球的希望和未来。

总的来说,North Toronto Nitros是一支富有激情、充满活力、致力于社区的足球队伍。他们的成功不仅在于他们在球场上的表现,更在于他们对社区的贡献和对足球运动的推广。这支队伍已经成为一个象征,象征着加拿大足球的希望和未来。