Wikipedia - Navua F.C.

Navua F.C. is a Fijian football team playing in the second division of the Fiji Football Association competitions.

They are based in Navua, which is situated on the southern side of the main island of Viti Levu, between the town of Sigatoka and the city of Suva. Their home stadium is Thomson Park. Their uniform is red shirt, blue shorts and white socks.


Navua F.C. was founded in 1943, with the formation of the Navua Soccer Association, under the leadership of C.P. Singh, a former member of the Legislative Council. The team languished in the second division has moved up to the first division, and has performed credibly in recent times.

Navua FC球队介绍

Navua FC是一支来自太平洋岛国努亚的足球队伍,他们参加的是该国的顶级联赛,即纳穆鲁-鲁伊兹锦标赛。该队伍成立于2012年,是一支新兴的足球队伍。

Navua FC的队名Navua在当地语言中意为“我们的家园”,代表了球队的家乡情怀和为家乡而战的决心。队徽设计灵感来源于他们的家乡Navua海滩,浪花和海鸥图案象征着他们的家乡风情和球队对海边的热爱。

Navua FC的目标是在当地的足球赛事中不断取得进步,成为一支真正的足球强队。他们希望通过自己的努力和汗水,能够为家乡努亚带来荣誉,为家乡足球事业做出贡献。

在2019年,Navua FC在纳穆鲁-鲁伊兹锦标赛中表现出色,以6胜3平1负的成绩获得冠军。这一成就标志着球队在短短几年内取得了巨大的进步,也证明了他们在未来有更大的潜力。

Navua FC的球员都是来自当地社区的年轻人,他们通过足球来表达对家乡的热爱,同时也希望通过自己的努力和汗水,为家乡带来荣誉。他们的比赛风格充满了活力和激情,深受当地球迷的喜爱。

总的来说,Navua FC是一支充满激情和家乡情怀的足球队伍,他们的目标是成为一支真正的顶级强队,为家乡努亚带来荣誉。