Wikipedia - BSV Halle-Ammendorf

BSV Halle-Ammendorf is a German association football club from Ammendorf in the city of Halle, Saxony-Anhalt.


The club was established as ZSG Industrie Ammendorf in the fall of 1947 following World War II out of the former membership of predecessor side Ammendorfer Fußball Club which was founded on 21 August 1910. The team became part of East German football competition in the Soviet occupied part of Germany.

On 23 September 1950 the Ammendorf side was renamed Betriebssportgemeinschaft Motor Ammendorf and played under that name until the reunification of Germany in 1990. BSG spent two seasons in the 2. Liga DDR, Staffel 3 (III) in 1961–63 and made appearances in the preliminary rounds of the FDGB-Pokal (East German Cup) in 1957, 1963 and 1964.

In 1991 the club became part of competition in united Germany and adopted the name Ballspielverein Ammendorf 1950 before acknowledging its earlier origins in taking on the name BSV Halle-Ammerndorf 1910 on 25 March 1999.

The club has been playing in the Verbandsliga Sachsen-Anhalt in recent seasons, winning the league in 2014 but declining promotion to the Oberliga.

BSV 哈雷阿门多夫足球俱乐部(德语:Ballsportverein Harle Amandorf e.V.),中文又名哈雷阿门多夫足球俱乐部,是一家位于德国下萨克森州奥尔登堡哈雷阿门多夫地区的足球俱乐部,成立于 1922 年。该俱乐部的主场球场是阿门多夫球场(Ammerländer Straße 152, 26131 Oldenburg)。俱乐部目前参加德国足球协会下莱茵地区联赛(Verbandsliga Niedersachsen),这是德国足球的第五级别联赛。

BSV 哈雷阿门多夫足球俱乐部拥有悠久的历史和丰富的传统,在当地拥有广泛的支持者基础。自成立以来,该俱乐部一直致力于向社区提供优质的足球运动体验,并在培养年轻球员方面取得了显著的成功。俱乐部拥有完善的青年训练体系,为球员提供从基础到职业的全面培养。

在过去的岁月里,BSV 哈雷阿门多夫足球俱乐部取得了许多令人瞩目的成绩。在 1988-1989 赛季,俱乐部赢得了下莱茵地区联赛冠军,并晋升至德国足球协会北部地区联赛(Regionalliga Nord)。在 2000-2001 赛季,俱乐部再次赢得了下莱茵地区联赛冠军,并顺利留在了北部地区联赛。

BSV 哈雷阿门多夫足球俱乐部的标志是一只老鹰,代表着力量、勇敢和敏捷。俱乐部的口号是“团结、友谊、体育精神”,体现了该俱乐部对足球运动和体育精神的承诺。俱乐部致力于为球员和球迷提供一个积极向上、充满活力的足球环境,并希望在未来取得更大的成功。