Kaya Futbol Club, commonly referred to as Kaya Women's, is a Filipino women's professional football club affiliated with Kaya F.C.–Iloilo.


Kaya was the only Philippines Football League (PFL) club that fielded in the 2016–17 inaugural season of the PFF Women's League. However, they withdrew midseason.

In 2019, Kaya officially formed a women's team. The seven-a-side team competed in the inaugural season of the 7's Football League Women's Division, where they finished runners-up.

Kaya Women's completed their first eleven-a-side campaign, as well as their international debut, at the 2022 SingaCup's Women Football Championship in Singapore. They swept the tournament, beating the Lion City Sailors women's team, Phranakorn, and Persib Putri.

Kaya returned to the PFF Women's League for the 2023 season. For that season, there was a knock-out stage. Kaya was able to reach the final where it contended the title against Manila Digger. Kaya emerged as the victor through a single goal, becoming the first ever club team to win the PFF Women's League. The preceding editions were clinched by collegiate sides, De La Salle.

Kaya FC女子足球队伍,源自2010年,是全球首支女子职业移民球队。该队伍的宗旨是让来自不同文化背景的球员和年轻人互相尊重、携手合作,一同成长。他们位于加利福尼亚州圣何塞,曾是北美女子职业足球联赛(WPSL)中的一支顶级球队,2011年至2013年连续三年夺得联赛冠军。在2014年,她们加入女子美国职业足球大联盟(WPSL),并成功打进季后赛。Kaya FC女子队伍的目标是通过比赛和训练,让每个成员建立自信心、增强团队合作能力和享受运动带来的乐趣。

在Kaya FC女子队伍中,每个球员都有自己的独特技能和特点。例如,队长萨拉是一位经验丰富的门将,她的表现稳定而出色;中场球员艾米莉拥有出色的传球和控制能力;前锋凯特则是一名高效的得分手,她的进球为队伍的胜利立下了汗马功劳。

Kaya FC女子队伍的独特之处在于她们的多元化。这支队伍汇集了来自不同文化背景和国家的球员,如中国、墨西哥、巴西和美国本土,她们一起为一个共同的目标而努力。这种多元化的队伍文化使Kaya FC成为一支团结、互助、有活力的团队。

展望未来,Kaya FC女子队伍将继续努力,为女足运动的发展做出贡献。通过参加各种比赛和训练,她们将推动女足运动在移民社区的普及和提升,并让更多人关注和支持女子足球。