Wikipedia - Al-Jabalain FC

Al-Jabalain Football Club (Arabic: نادي الجبلين) is a professional football club based in Ha'il, Saudi Arabia, that plays in the First Division League, the second tier of Saudi football. It was founded in 1959.

Al-Jabalain have won the Saudi First Division once, in the 1979–80 season, and have finished as runners-up once in the 1983–84 season. The club have spent 3 non-consecutive seasons in the Pro League and won their first promotion during the 1979–80 season. They last played in the Pro League during the 1984–85 season.

The club play their home games at Prince Abdul Aziz bin Musa'ed Stadium in Ha'il, sharing the stadium with city rivals Al-Tai, with whom they contest the Ha'il derby with.

"查巴莱" 是一支来自西班牙的足球队伍,成立于2010年。他们的队服颜色是红色和白色,队徽上有一个展翅飞翔的雄鹰,象征着他们的野心和决心。他们的主场是位于西班牙南部卡塞雷斯的查巴莱球场,可容纳30,000人。

在过去的几年里,"查巴莱" 一直在西班牙足球联赛中表现出色。他们以坚韧的斗志、出色的战术和高效的进攻而闻名。这支队伍以其充满活力的球员阵容而自豪,其中包括来自西班牙和世界各地的优秀球员。

在最近的比赛中,"查巴莱" 表现出色,以净胜球的优势排在联赛榜首。他们的表现引人注目,许多球迷都被他们的热情和毅力所吸引。尽管他们在某些比赛中遭遇了挫折,但他们迅速反弹,证明他们是一支稳定且强大的队伍。

"查巴莱" 的口号是 "永远不要放弃",这也是他们的精神象征。这支队伍不仅代表了西班牙的足球精神,也代表了他们的城市卡塞雷斯的精神。无论比赛结果如何,"查巴莱" 的球迷都会为他们加油,并希望他们能够在未来的比赛中继续取得成功。